Tuesday 26 May 2015

The Mighty Mitochondria

The Mighty Mitochondria

The Mighty Mitochondria is the the organelle that brings power to the entire cell. Without the mitochondria breaking down nutrients to produce energy for the other organelles, the cell would die. The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell; the sun to the solar system; the glue that holds everything together.

Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's Mitochondria

The mitochondria is definitely the most important part of the cell. It's impossible to think otherwise... Literally.

Without Mitochondria?

Could you imagine life without the Mighty Mitochondria? The answer is no, because without the mitochondria, you wouldn't be able to survive.
*ba dum tss*


Mitochondria Explained

The mitochondria produces an energy called ATP. ATP is produced when the mitochondria takes proteins being stored in the cell and converts it to energy. This energy is what keeps us alive and allows us to do basic things in everyday life. It keeps our hearts beating, our blood pumping through our veins, and our brain awake. Every part of our body is powered by energy produced by the mitochondria.


Mitochondria use the nutrients in our bodies to produce enough energy for all of the organelles in the cell to successfully do their job. The vacuoles may store waste, but what powers them? The mitochondria. Lysosomes break down waste within the cell, but where do they get the energy to do this? The mitochondria. Without the mitochondria, none of the other parts of a cell would be able to function.

1 comment:

  1. You say that you wouldn't be able to survive without mitochondria but really what would be the point of having mitochondria without a nucleus? There would be no point since the nucleus carries all of your DNA (AKA the reason that you are alive). So there, VOTE NUCLEUS :)


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