Sunday 24 May 2015


The Construction Men of the Cell

  • The ribosome is the part of the cell in which the proteins are created and exported into the cell and outside the cell. 
  • We can call the ribosomes the construction men of the cell because they connect the amino acid and build long chains of proteins.

About the Ribosome:
  • The Ribosome is located in the nucleolus.
  • The ribosomes can be bound to the Endoplasmic Reticulum or floating in the cytosol (the liquid part of the cytoplasm).
  • The ribosome is made up of two parts a large side and a smaller side, depending on where the ribosome is located (prokaryotes and eukaroytes) it will be larger or smaller.
  • They are found in both prokaryotes and eukaroytes. In the eukaryotes the ribosomes are larger; one side is 60S and the other side is 40S. In the prokaryotes they are smaller; one side is 50S and the other is 30S. 
  • The ribosome has mRNA: the brain of the ribosome; it gives instructions to the ribosome to create protein.
  • The ribosome also has tNRA: which transfers the amino acid into the ribosome to create proteins.

How the Ribosome Makes Proteins:
  • The sub-units of the ribosome come together while gathering over 200 amino acids and RNA. 
  • The mRNA sends messages to the ribosomes and the proteins are built up or created.
  • This is also known as protein synthesis when proteins are being created in long tower like strands and sent out into the cell and outside the cell.

Why are they so Important:
  • Ribosomes are essential for life!
  • Without them we wouldn't have proteins to support us and doctors wouldn't be able to create antibiotics to put into the ribosome structure to clear organisms that cause disease.
  • Ribosomes are so important that every single cell has them.
  • Not one living organism can abandon their ribosomes!


1 comment:

  1. Hey ribosomes!! Without the nucleolus there would be no ribosomes in the first place!!


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